Savant Capital Management
Client Login
Welcome to the Savant Client Web Portal
The secure Client Web Portal provides online access to your investment account.
  • Document Vault
  • Security Holdings
  • Investment Performance
  • Transactions
401(K) Participants Please click here to go to your login area.
If you need to set-up access to your Client Web Portal or have questions, please email us.
Terms Of Use
By logging into and using the Savant Capital Management web portal (the "Service"), you agree that you have read and understand the terms of use agreement, (the "Terms") and that you are authorized to login and access the Services pursuant to the Terms. Your use of the Service or any portion of the services constitutes your agreement to the Terms, without modification. If you do not agree to the Terms, do not login or otherwise use the Service. The Terms shall take effect immediately upon you accessing and using the Services.